Annual General Meeting Process
This document seeks to detail the process of the Somerset Strikers Cricket Club's Annual General Meeting (AGM). Following is the timeline for the notice of AGM and subsequent information around committee nominations, voting and publication of various notices.
Please note: the word “member” in this context is the parent/guardian of that child who is a playing member of the club.
Notice of AGM to be sent out approximately 30 days before the meeting. Notice will include:
- Minutes of the previous AGM and/or Special AGM
- Request for Agenda Items from club members.
- Responsibilities of the Committee positions.
- Nomination and Voting Instructions.
The AGM Agenda will be as follows:
- Welcome by the Chairperson
- To read and confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting or Special AGM. Matters arising therefrom.
- To receive, confirm and adopt the Treasurer's Report and the Independent Review of the Financial Statement and to discuss matters arising therefrom.
- Open floor to members who have submitted agenda items.
- To consider any proposed additions, alterations or amendments to the Constitution, Rules and By-Laws.
- To deal with correspondence – if any.
- To elect the Office Bearers for the ensuing year.
- To close the meeting. Meeting should be no more than 2 hours in duration.
The Club's Committee election at annual AGM as follows:
- With the notice of AGM - club members will be invited to submit nominations to the secretary via email (
- Nominations are open to fully paid up club members only.
- Such club members can self nominate.
- Nominations must be seconded by another club member.
- The secretary will publish nominations as they are received on the club Whatsapp broadcast group.
- The closing date for receipt of nominations will be approx 10 days before the AGM and the secretary will publish the final list of nominations at that time
- Voting for Nominations will begin 1 week before the AGM, when the final list has been published by the Secretary and the voting mechanisms are completed.
- Voting can be done, in person, at the AGM OR via a provided digital form for those who cannot attend.
- Digital voting will close at 3pm on the day of the AGM.
- Each seat on the Committee will be declared vacant on the evening of the AGM
- Each member will have 1 vote, i.e. one child with fully paid membership = 1 vote.
- Only fully paid up members are eligible to vote.
- With the provision of digital voting - there is no need for proxy voting.
- Members attending the AGM can vote there.
- Final vote tally will be done on the night of the AGM.
- New Committee will be announced at the AGM.
- The Committee members shall have one (1) vote each, except in the case of the Chairperson, who shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberate vote, when the voting is equal.
Quorum for AGM
A quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be a minimum of 33% of fully paid up members eligible to vote. A quorum can be achieved either in person and/or via online means.